Credit: “maps lying on the floor” by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

My top five StrengthsQuest themes are context, learner, discipline, arranger, and communication.

I will be able to apply my knowledge of these strengths in the classroom because I now have a better understanding of what I bring to the table. All of my five strengths are integral parts of teamwork. The context and learner themes help guide me through preliminary research and any outside information that a course or project may need. Discipline, arranger, and communication all work together to help me make sure that everything that I am supposed to do is done, but also help others keep track of time and progress. Unfortunately any strengths can have their downfalls. Without people to help balance my qualities, my strengths can turn into taking over projects and trying to do everything myself. However, by recognizing this fact and sharing it with team members, I am becoming more self-aware and can bring the positive, hard-working side of my strengths to help contribute to the overall success of the group, which in the end, is what’s most important.